Drinking white wine is not for nothing, drinking wine turns out to have so many benefits!

Zinc neodecanoate Drinking white wine is not for nothing, drinking wine turns out to have so many benefits!
Speaking of drinking, you men watching, there must be a lot of women to this “pull” you it: white wine is not good for the body, or drink red wine?
Do not believe? Look at the new research findings of Jiangnan University, the most powerful in the field of microbial fermentation!

Baijiu has more health benefits than wine, and the former is cleaner and healthier than the latter. The reason is that traditional Chinese liquor uses multi-bacterium natural accumulation of solid-state method of making bent, multi-dimensional microbial solid-state fermentation brewing and high-temperature distillation process, in the solid-state distillation process to select and purify the flavor substances in the product; while wine is brewed wine, more flavor substances come from the raw material of grapes and later oak barrel aging.
You might not expect it, right? The number of bioactive ingredients in white wine is the highest in the world, reaching nearly 1,500. These bioactive components of white wine can alleviate alcohol damage, enhance the body’s defense function, regulate physiological rhythm, as well as prevent disease and promote recovery, etc. Therefore, if consumed in moderation, white wine is very beneficial to health.
When you put it this way, it really does make sense, doesn’t it? And, there is historical evidence, we have an old Chinese saying: “wine is grain essence”? What is the most nourishing, of course, grains and cereals, and white wine, is the essence of the grains and cereals extracted from the ah.
It turns out that, from the trace components contained in white wine, there is indeed a very rich variety of organic matter. This is not the point, the point is: these functional ingredients from natural fermentation, and Chinese herbs are the same as heaven and earth, and all have the same natural properties. Today, we have selected some of these herbs to compare with the trace components of liquor as follows.
Chinese herbal names
Common components with liquor

Ferulic acid, chuanxiong zing
Promoting blood circulation, dispelling wind and relieving pain. Used for menstrual disorders, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea. Abdominal pain in the abdomen, stabbing pain in the chest, swelling pain, headache, and rheumatic paralysis.
Radix Panax
Contains β- and γ-aminobutyric acid, aspartic acid, glutamic acid and other amino acids.
It can dry dampness, resolve phlegm, lower rebelliousness, stop vomiting and disperse lumps and knots. Used for coughing and asthma with phlegm, phlegm-drinking and vertigo, internal phlegm vertigo, phlegm syncope and headache, vomiting and regurgitation, chest and epigastric congestion, plum pneumonia; used externally to treat carbuncles and phlegm nuclei.
Fat, organic acid
Nourishing Yin and moistening the lung, clearing the heart and calming the mind. For Yin deficiency, prolonged cough, blood in phlegm, false annoyance and palpitation, insomnia and dreaminess, mental trance
Phytic acid amino acids (more than 10 kinds)
Tonifying the spleen and nourishing the stomach, generating body fluid and benefiting the lung, tonifying the kidney and astringent essence. Used for spleen deficiency with little food, prolonged diarrhea, lung deficiency with asthma and cough, kidney deficiency with seminal emission, dysmenorrhea, frequent urination, deficiency heat and thirst
Qiannian Jian
Contains volatile oil, including α-pinene, β-pinene, etc.
Dispelling wind-dampness and strengthening tendons and bones. Used for wind-cold damp paralysis, cold pain in the waist and knees, and numbness in the lower limbs.
2-Hydroxyphenylacetic acid
Dispelling wind, clearing heat and relieving cough. For wind and fever colds, head and body pains, fever and cough
Asparagine, polysaccharides, furfural and water-soluble sugars
Clearing heat and generating body fluid, relieving irritation, stopping vomiting and diuresis. Used for fever and thirst, stomach heat and vomiting, lung heat and cough, lung carbuncle and pus, fever and astringent pain
Tiannanxing-Tiger Palm Nanxing
Amino acid
Drying dampness and resolving phlegm, dispelling wind and stopping spasm, dispersing nodules and subduing swelling. Used for coughing with persistent phlegm, dizziness of wind diseases, phlegm congestion of stroke, distorted mouth and eyes, hemiplegia, epilepsy, shock and tetanus; used externally to treat carbuncles and swellings, snake and insect bites.
P-hydroxybenzaldehyde, citric acid, succinic acid, etc.
Calming the liver and relieving wind and spasm. Used for headache and vertigo, numbness of limbs, pediatric convulsions, epileptic convulsions, tetanus
Podocarpus fern Guanzhong
Fatty acids, of which arachidonic acid is the main
Clearing heat and detoxifying, killing worms and stopping bleeding. Used for pinworm disease, worm accumulation abdominal pain, red dysentery and blood in stool, uterine bleeding, damp heat and swelling pain
Sempervivum nodosum
Contains organic acids and phenolic compounds
Drying dampness, resolving phlegm and relieving cough. Used for cough and phlegm, bronchitis; used externally to treat carbuncles and boils, nameless swelling and poisonous insect bites.
Ferulic acid and organic acids, etc.
It is used for clearing rashes, removing heat and toxins, and raising Yang energy. Used for wind-heat headache, sore throat, impermeable measles, prolapse, uterine prolapse
Radix Bupleurum
Malic acid
Cooling the blood to stop bleeding, clearing heat and diuresis. For blood fever and vomiting, epistaxis, blood in urine, fever and thirst, jaundice, edema, pyorrhea and astringent pain, edema in acute nephritis
Yanhuoshao-Dentate Yanhuoshao
Palmitic acid, Soysterol, Oleic acid, Linoleic acid, Linoleic acid, etc.
Promoting blood circulation, promoting qi, relieving pain. Used for pain in the chest and abdomen, menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis, painful fall and swelling
Phenols, amino acids, sugars
Dispelling wind and dampness, resolving toxins and dispersing blood stasis. Used for joint pain, muscle numbness, diarrhea, dysentery, edema, gonorrhea, furuncle, swelling, hemorrhoids
Curcuma longa – Guangxi Curcuma longa
Contains a-pinene, camphene, pinene, limonene, a-pinene, eugenol
Breaking up blood and moving Qi, eliminating stagnation and relieving pain. Used for blood stasis and abdominal pain, enlargement of liver and spleen, blood stasis and amenorrhea, stagnation of diet
Angelica Sinensis
Contains angelica lactone, n-butenoyl lactone, ferulic acid, nicotinic acid, and sesquiterpenoids, etc.
Tonifying the blood and invigorating the blood, regulating menstruation and relieving pain, laxative and laxative. Used for blood deficiency, dizziness and palpitation, menstrual disorders, menorrhagia, abdominal pain, constipation, rheumatic paralysis and pain, fall and injury, carbuncles and sores.
Expelling wind from the surface of the body, overcoming dampness and stopping spasm. Used for cold and headache, rheumatic paralysis and pain, limb constriction, rheumatic itching, tetanus.
Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng
Organic acid
Moistening the lung and resolving phlegm, nourishing Yin and harmonizing the stomach, calming the liver and detoxifying the toxin. Used for cough with lung heat, vomiting and regurgitation, dry mouth with little food, red eyes and dizziness, furunculosis and sores.
Mao Dongqing
Contains phenols, sterols, triterpenes, amino acids, sugars, etc.
Clearing heat and detoxifying, activating blood circulation and opening blood vessels. Used for coronary arteriosclerotic heart disease, acute myocardial infarction, blood column occlusive vasculitis; external use for burns, burns, frostbite
Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, cobalt, chromium, titanium, manganese, lead, nickel, strontium, vanadium and zinc and other trace elements
Nourishes yin and generates body fluid, moistens the lung and clears the heart. Used for dry cough of lung. Deficient consumption cough, thirsty, sleeplessness, internal heat and thirst, dry bowel constipation; pharyngeal white throat
Radix et Rhizoma Ginseng
Phytosterols, oleic acid, linolenic acid, sugar
Cooling the blood, nourishing Yin, dipping fire and detoxifying. Used for fever and yin injury, thirsty tongue, warm poisonous spots, constipation, coughing with bone steam, red eyes, sore throat, scrofula, diphtheria, carbuncle and sores
Western Ginseng
Contains 18 kinds of amino acids such as arginine and aspartic acid
Tonifies lung yin, clears fire, nourishes stomach and generates body fluid. Used for coughing up blood from lung deficiency, hot flashes, deficiency of lung and stomach fluids, irritability and thirst, deficiency of Qi
Asparagine, citrulline, serine and nearly 20 other amino acids, 5-methoxy-methylfurfural
Nourishes yin and generates body fluid, moistens the lung and clears the heart. Used for dry cough of lung, cough of deficiency, thirst of fluid, insomnia, internal heat and thirst, constipation, diphtheria
Fire hemp kernel
Linolenic acid, linoleic acid, etc.
Moisten dryness and smooth bowel movement. Used for blood deficiency, fluid deficiency and constipation
Unsaturated organic acids
Warming the middle and relieving pain, killing worms and relieving itching. Used for cold pain in the abdomen and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal pain from worms and roundworms; externally for treating eczema and itching.
Psidium guajava
Fruits contain amino acids, sugars and organic acids; seeds contain oleic acid, linoleic acid and sterol compounds
Clearing heat and eliminating phlegm, broadening the chest and dispersing knots, and laxative. Used for cough with lung heat, thick yellow phlegm, chest paralysis and heartache, lactic carbuncle, pulmonary carbuncle, intestinal carbuncle and swelling pain
Citrus aurantium
Limonene, decanal, nonanal, dodecanoic acid
Promoting the flow of Qi and relieving the middle, eliminating food and resolving phlegm. Used for stuffiness and pain in the chest and abdomen, food stagnation, phlegm, prolapse
Contains malic acid, pectinic acid, tartaric acid
Relaxing the muscles and activating the channels, harmonizing the stomach and resolving dampness. Mainly used for treating rheumatism and paralysis, bacillary dysentery, vomiting and diarrhea
Organic acid
Relieving fever, quenching thirst and promoting laxative. Used for irritable heat, thirst, jaundice, stone shower, hemorrhoids
Pregnancy seed
Contains glycerol oleate, glycerol linolenic acid, etc.
Relieving liver and Qi, promoting blood circulation and relieving pain, diuretic, killing worms. Used for distension and pain in the epigastrium and hypochondrium, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, urinary disorders, snake and insect bites
Watermelon rind
Juice contains citrulline, malic acid, fructose, glucose, sucrose, etc.
Clearing heat, quenching thirst, and relieving urination. Used for summer heat and thirst, shortage of urine, edema, mouth and tongue sores
Contains citric acid, fructose, succinic acid, malonic acid, proline, oxalic acid, malic acid, mangiferous acid, quinic acid, etc.
Strengthening the spleen and stopping diarrhea. Used for loss of appetite, diarrhea, insufficient milk
Palmitic acid, cinnamic acid, lauric acid
Promoting blood circulation, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain. Used for menorrhagia, dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, obstruction in the abdomen, bruises and injuries.
Palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, etc.
Relieving swelling and toxicity, draining pus and killing worms. Used for treating carbuncles and gangrene at the beginning or pus not festering; externally treating scabies and leprosy
Ganoderma lucidum
Mainly contains amino acids, peptides, proteins, stearic acid, benzoic acid, etc.
Nourishes and strengthens. Used for brain health, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, kidney benefit
Olea europaea oil
Fatty oil, mainly glycerides of oleic acid, stearic acid, etc.
Clears heat and dampness, kills worms and detoxifies. Used for cholera abdominal pain, acute roundworm obstructive intestinal obstruction, scabies, scalding and fire injury. Also used as raw material of tea oil for injection and ointment base
Contains leucine, tyrosine and other amino acids
Clearing the lung and throat, stopping bleeding. Used for wind-heat lung sore throat, cough, mute; externally for epistaxis, bleeding from wounds
Contains mannitol, glutamic acid, aspartic acid, proline and sulfur, potassium, etc.
Softening and dispersing knots, eliminating phlegm and inducing diuresis. Used for gall tumor, scrofula, testicular swelling and pain, phlegm and edema
Sea Sands
Palmitic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid
Clearing dampness and heat, promoting laxative and relieving pain. Used for hot gonorrhea, sand gonorrhea, blood gonorrhea, ointment gonorrhea, astringent pain in the urethra
Mimosa Tenuiflora
Phenols, amino acids, organic acids
Tranquilizing, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain, stopping bleeding and astringency. Used for neurasthenia, bruises, hemoptysis, herpes zoster
Mimosa Tenuiflora
Phenols, amino acids
Clearing heat and removing dampness, diuretic and laxative. Used for fever gonorrhea, sand gonorrhea, stone gonorrhea, astringent pain in urine, edema and scanty urination, jaundice, urinary redness, urinary tract stones
Kampan Gui
Ferulic acid, vanillic acid
Inducing diuresis and subduing swelling, clearing heat and detoxifying, relieving cough. Used for nephritis

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