Make pottery simpler ︱ “Stick flowers on the mirror”

Make pottery simpler ︱ “Mirror paste yellow”

Fine clay or porcelain clay, mixed with water into a slurry painted on the pottery or porcelain tires, the surface of the object is left with a thin layer of color paste, or white or red or gray, this color paste, in ceramic technology called “pottery coat”, also known as “make-up clay”, “decorative clay”, “protective glaze”, “decorative clay”, “protective glaze”

Make-up clay decoration, is one of the typical decoration techniques of northern kilns in China, represented by Xing kiln, began in the Northern Dynasties, initially to change the color of the body, enhance the whiteness and brightness of porcelain, before glazing with white make-up clay protection, this technique has been used until the Song and Yuan dynasties

Pottery’s “wedding clothes”: cosmetic clay

Common ceramic objects are mostly made of clay covered with glaze firing, however, the clay in the northern region is rougher, the feel and appearance after firing greatly reduced. So, the clever ancient potter invented cosmetic clay mud to solve this problem.

▲ Cosmetic clay + engraved decoration

The cosmetic clay mud has a fine texture, uniform color, strong covering power, high fire resistance, and three major effects of concealing, beautifying, and filling leaks, which plays a role in the face after use.

Concealment: Apply the clay evenly on the surface of the rough or dark colored body, after glazing and firing, the rough surface will become smooth and flat, the color difference will be covered, and the glaze will be more beautiful and bright, soft and warm.

Beautify: add other glaze colors in the make-up clay, apply to the surface of the billet, and then combine with flower picking and color painting kilometer techniques to form a rich and diverse natural mineral decorative effect and enhance weathering resistance.

Fill the leak: The meticulous clay also prevents the blank from absorbing a lot of glaze and firing cracks, and fills the blank’s air holes to make its surface more dense.

▲ Cosmetic clay + engraved decoration

▲ Cosmetic clay + painted decoration

Make-up clay+painting

With the development of human civilization, porcelain-making techniques and decorative techniques continue to mature, and cosmetic clay has gradually fallen out of favor. However, make-up clay bears many beginnings of ceramic craft civilization, and when we praise the achievements of ceramic art, we should not forget the merits of make-up clay.

Today, let’s pay tribute to the tradition once again and learn the ancient decorative technique of picking flowers in clay ↓↓↓↓.

▲ Clay and engraving effect

It’s perfect! I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it.

Here’s the big trick

Material preparation:

● 70% dry clay

1 sponge, 2 carving knives, 1 brush

● High white clay paste and mineral materials such as feldspar and quartz


Step 1: Wipe the dust off the blank with a sponge

Step 2: Blend the clay, add the feldspar, quartz and other raw materials into the high white clay in a certain proportion (role: to cover the small holes and miscellaneous colors on the surface of the blank, to blend the contraction and expansion coefficient of the clay, and increase the hardness of the clay)

Step 3: Apply the blended clay to the blank by swishing and dipping.

Step 4: After drying, use a pen to draw on the clay and remove the excess white clay with a tool to reveal the body, forming a black and white contrast

Step 5: Apply transparent glaze, firing

Note: The fineness of the particles of the make-up clay should be smaller than the body of the blank and larger than the glaze, and the suspension should be good to ensure that it can adhere well to the blank before and after firing.

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