Safety first! The State Council will carry out a nationwide inspection of production safety from July to October

Safety first! The State Council will carry out a nationwide inspection of production safety from July to October

Notice of the State Council Work Safety Commission on Carrying out a National Safety Production Inspection

Security Committee Mingdian [2017] No. 3

People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, member units of the State Council Security Committee, and all central enterprises:

Since the beginning of this year, the national production safety situation has been generally stable, but major accidents have occurred from time to time, exposing some Local and enterprise safety awareness is not strong, safety responsibilities are not implemented, risk prevention and control systems are imperfect, hidden dangers are not thoroughly investigated and managed, and safety supervision and law enforcement is not strict. In order to further strengthen production safety work, strictly implement various safety prevention responsibilities and measures, effectively prevent and resolutely contain major accidents, and create a stable production safety environment for the successful convening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, with the consent of the leading comrades of the State Council, it is scheduled to be held in 2017 A nationwide inspection of production safety will be carried out from July to October this year. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

General requirements

Conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements and important instructions of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on work safety, Further strengthen the responsibility for production safety, focus on resolutely curbing major accidents, adhere to the combination of comprehensive inspections and strict law enforcement, the combination of enterprise self-inspection and government supervision, and the combination of local responsibility and department supervision, and conduct centralized inspections of production safety in accordance with the law. Severely punish a number of violations of laws and regulations, thoroughly control a number of major accident risks, close down and ban a number of enterprises that violate laws and regulations and do not meet safety production conditions, jointly punish a number of seriously untrustworthy enterprises, and expose a number of companies that fail to fulfill their responsibilities and take ineffective measures. Units and individuals must strictly implement various safety prevention responsibilities and measures and resolutely curb major accidents.

Check scope and key content

The scope of this safety production inspection covers all regions, industries, and enterprises across the country and crowded places.

Enterprise level

Implementation of safety production management responsibilities. Focus on inspecting the performance of duties by the main persons in charge, establishing and implementing a production safety responsibility system, and establishingckground-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);”>1. All regions and relevant departments should adopt various methods such as surprise inspections, overt inspections and secret visits, random inspections, retrospective inspections, cross-examinations, etc., to carry out in-depth supervision and inspections . Highlight areas, key industries and high-risk enterprises with heavy production safety tasks and frequent accidents to carry out key inspections, and conduct follow-up and review inspections of enterprises that have been suspended for rectification, closed or banned.

2. The State Council Security Committee organized a comprehensive inspection of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps in September, and also conducted A comprehensive assessment will be conducted on the implementation of various tasks and measures during the regional inspection. The assessment results will be an important part of the 2017 provincial government safety production assessment (accounting for 10% of the total annual assessment score).

All regions and relevant departments must promptly analyze the outstanding problems existing in the inspection work, formulate and implement rectification measures, and implement them before October 10 Submit to the State Council Security Committee Office and the State Council Security Committee Inspection Team, and submit the inspection summary report to the State Council Security Committee Office before November 5.

Job Requirements

Strengthen organizational leadership. Local governments at all levels must establish a major inspection leading group headed by the main responsible comrade of the security committee, carefully organize and deploy, clarify responsibilities, refine measures, and pay close attention to implementation. The main responsible comrades of all relevant departments must personally grasp the situation, concentrate their efforts, implement responsibilities, and organize and carry out major inspections of production safety in this industry. The main person in charge of the enterprise shall earnestly fulfill the responsibility of the first person responsible for safety production, organize carefully, and comprehensively carry out self-examination and self-correction.

Strengthen coordination and linkage. The Office of the State Council Security Committee has established a major inspection office, which is responsible for the organization and coordination of major inspections, supervision and inspection, service guarantee, and situation exchange. All member units of the State Council Security Committee must formulate work measures based on their own responsibilities, coordinate and work together to ensure that all major inspection work is carried out solidly and effectively.

Strengthen public opinion propaganda. All regions and relevant departments must give full play to the role of various media and adopt various forms to conduct extensive publicity and launch of safety production inspections, form a strong publicity momentum, and create a strong atmosphere of public opinion. It is necessary to establish a reporting reward mechanism to mobilize enterprise employees and the general public to report various accident hazards and illegal activities.

Seriously pursue accountability. If self-inspection and self-correction are not taken seriously, hidden dangers are not rectified thoroughly, major inspection responsibilities are not implemented, organization is ineffective, and law enforcement is not strict, the responsibilities of the enterprise and the relevant local government and relevant department heads will be seriously investigated. Those who cause accidents due to failure to implement responsibilities and measures will be severely punished in accordance with the law.

State Council Work Safety Commission
June 30, 2017

Source: State Administration of Work Safety

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