Crises are everywhere in the economic downturn. How can sanitary ware companies stay on top?

Economic downturn is surrounded by crises. How can sanitary ware companies stay on top?

“Brand”isaconceptthatisoftenmentionedinthetraditionalsanitarywareindustry,butitisalwayssomewhatinadequate.IntheShenzhenhomefurnishingindustryin2015,thetrendofbrandpromotionisdifferentfrompreviousyears.Itshouldbesaidthatagroupofcompaniesaretryingtobreakthroughtraditionalmethods,suchaseventmarketing,andstrivetousenewbrandpromotionstrategiestoallowcompaniestostartfromIndustrybrandsgraduallybecomemassbrands.ZuoyouFurnitureisoneofthepioneerswhoisbraveininnovation.”Leuyou’smethodsusedtobeverytraditional,hiringspokespersonsandadvertising,butthisyearweareusingprojectstopromoteit.” Tan Yi, vice president of Zuoyou Furniture, said.

Tan Yi looks back on a series of different “topics” he has tried this year, from cooperating with Tesla to entering the Boao Forum, and then launching customized dramas, and catering to the urban craze, producing “Happiness Run”—— A running exercise that only takes 5-8 kilometers to complete. And “getting off work one hour early” has won the resonance of many white-collar workers. “The left and right’s emphasis on emotional communication has not changed, but they have tried specific forms.” Tan Yi explained. For example, he said that in the past, the warmth of the family was promoted, but now the brand will be more refined, specifically proposing the concept of sofa time, a person living alone, a world of two, a family of three, and the whole family enjoying themselves. These different status brands need to consider arrive.

In the era of big home furnishings, market resources have begun to gather upstream. At the same time, many export sanitary ware companies have also switched to domestic operations. Emerging markets are where many companies have to compete. Bathroom ware companies need to have an open mind. Nothing is static. As Tan Yi mentioned, “the voice of the brand must continue to keep up with the changes of the times.”

Grasp the market rhythm when encountering an “economic typhoon”

The economic environment directly affects the internal development of the sanitary ware industry. In years of “good weather”, the sanitary ware industry is thriving; but occasionally encountering “economic typhoons”, some sanitary ware companies are often unable to withstand the strong winds, and are confused, and then “gone with the wind”.

“When encountering temporary difficulties, we must have a forward-looking vision and not cause panic due to short-term effects.” Chen Jianhua, the marketing director of Shenzhen Mangrove Bay International Furniture, said in an interview with reporters that enterprises should face temporary difficulties. When faced with economic difficulties, we should not be in a hurry and come up with some immature plans and push them into the market. After experiencing the economic turmoil in 2008, he believes that enterprises should slowly grasp the rhythm of this market law and strive to balance the supply and demand balance within the platform. “From the overall point of view of national policies and strength, our country’s economic trend is always improving. Direction of development.”

The development of the property market is closely related to the home furnishing industry. “Although sales faced some pressure during the off-season in spring this year. But in May and June, as the property market boomed and driven by rigid demand, our performance grew steadily.” Chen Jianhua said, “In addition to bucking the trend in performance, consumption also increased. There has also been a significant expansion in the customer base. The number of shoppers in Dongguan, Huizhou and other provinces has reached double-digit growth, so our influence is expanding year by year.” Regarding the traditional home furnishing industry, Chen Jianhua is more optimistic. He predicted: “With the emergence of a small climax in the property market, Shenzhen has not yet seen a large-scale trend of fine decoration. It is expected that at the end of this year or even in the next two years, there will be a wave of climax in the home furnishing business district. The market in the next two years will be quite large. Optimistic.”

Consolidating “Internet +” must protect consumer interests

The current economic “soft landing” has had a huge impact on some sanitary ware companies, and a number of factory closures have occurred across the country. Many companies are complaining. But from the perspective of long-term interests, “a temporary soft landing this year is also in line with market rules. A soft landing will settle down, and it will also reshuffle and adjust the industry and industrial structure, and remove some bad tumors in the market.” , the entire country’s economy can develop healthily.” Industry insiders said. The reshuffle of the sanitary ware industry and the combination of “Internet +” and traditional industries have become a direction that many sanitary ware companies are actively exploring.

Many home furnishing companies are gradually exploring Internet forms suitable for traditional home furnishings with a learning and exploration mentality. Mangrove Bay has launched an “online mall” O2O project to continuously adapt to the shopping habits of younger consumer groups through online transactions and offline experiences. Internet e-commerce is the development trend of the industry and can eliminate some of the shortcomings of traditional industries. However, in the operation of Internet projects, many companies do not use the Internet to truly solve some of the problems faced by the traditional home decoration industry, but for the purpose of capital operation. In this way, the real role of protecting the interests of customers in decoration is not so obvious, but more What has the most impact is the business model and conceptual thinking of traditional home furnishings. To consolidate “Internet +”, we must also truly protect the interests of consumers.�.

No matter how the service form develops and changes, consumer satisfaction is always the foundation of business. Large-scale sanitary ware companies should take action and influence and drive the healthy development of the industry with practical actions. The less ideal the market is, the more we should insist on high-quality services. Putting the decoration interests of owners first and responding to the ever-changing market with constant high-quality services is the only way to promote the healthier development of the entire industry.

》》 More and more comprehensive building materials information and building materials business opportunities can be found on Huicong Sanitary Ware Network《《

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Editor in charge: Liang Xiao

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