What are the powerful effects of the magical ‘potassium phosphite’? _Industrial additives

Potassium phosphite is a new multi-purpose special phosphorus and potassium fertilizer that is environmentally friendly, reusable and non-drug resistant. During use, we need to understand what are the powerful effects of potassium phosphite? What should we pay attention to when using potassium phosphite?

Potassium phosphite” is a new product that uses special raw materials phosphite and organic active potassium, scientifically proportioned through high-temperature reaction. Potassium phosphite is not only a kind of phosphorus + 3-valent phosphorus Potash fertilizer, and it is a systemic fungicide. It will not develop resistance after repeated use, and the utilization rate and absorption rate are more than twice that of similar products.

The four major functions of potassium phosphite in agriculture:

Function 1, sterilization and disease prevention:

The active defense mechanism of crops induces crops to improve their own response to Disease resistance. It has special effects in the prevention of citrus canker, Huanglongbing, and downy mildew. A large number of experiments have been carried out in citrus producing areas such as Yunnan, Gannan, and Guangxi in my country, and good results have been achieved.

Function 2: Supplementing phosphorus and potassium fertilizers:

Potassium phosphite immediately stimulates bactericidal and disease-resistant effects after spraying or flushing on the leaves, and then gradually changes to a buffering effect under external oxidative environmental conditions. Release type phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, the utilization efficiency of fertilizer is greatly improved.

Function three, precipitation of heavy metals:

In the soil, due to its reducing nature, it will interact with certain Harmful heavy metals undergo inorganic precipitation and passivation, producing water-insoluble phosphorous acid to precipitate metal salts, thereby removing heavy metals.

Function 4: Increase production and promote aging:

Through a large number of field experiments, it has been found that potassium phosphite can significantly increase the yield after being used on potatoes, sweet potatoes, citrus, grapes and other crops.

Applicable crops and main effects of potassium phosphite:

Fruit trees (citrus): Promote flower bud differentiation, fruit, uniformity of flower buds, and color; control citrus canker and significantly increase the commercial fruit rate of citrus.

Apples, pears, and cherries: Promote flower bud differentiation, promote color change and sugar accumulation, and improve disease resistance.

Grapes: Increase sugar content to promote color change, promote flower bud differentiation, and reduce the occurrence of downy mildew, powdery mildew, etc.

Melons: Vegetable melons and fruit melons promote flower buds, promote fruit expansion, increase sugar content, and improve disease resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew.

Strawberries: increase sugar content, promote color change, and promote flower bud differentiation , root rot, gray mold.

Tomato: Promote coloration, improve disease resistance to late blight and gray mold.

Pepper: Improve quality, improve disease resistance, reduce Undigested nitrogen.

Leaf vegetables: prevent leggy growth, grow healthy seedlings, promote photosynthesis, improve quality, improve disease resistance, reduce undigested nitrogen, and promote the absorption of antioxidants and nitrogen fertilizers.

Potato: Promote fruit expansion, improve quality and yield, improve resistance to late blight, and have thick green leaves.

Asia Potassium phosphate not only has a good inhibitory effect on fungal diseases such as Phytophthora, downy mildew and powdery mildew, but also has a significant inhibitory and control effect on bacterial diseases, inducing crops to produce continuous resistance to pathogenic fungi and bacteria.

The unique bactericidal mechanism of potassium phosphite determines its excellent disease prevention effect. How to use it to achieve excellent results? The role and efficacy of potassium phosphite can be understood from two aspects:

First, it directly kills pathogens. Phosphorus normally has a valence of +5, while phosphorus has a valence of +3. It plays an oxidative role when it is reduced from positive trivalent to positive pentavalent. It relies on oxidation. Directly killing pathogens, this principle is similar to using hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate for anti-inflammatory disinfection in hospitals.

The second is to strengthen the defense system of crops. This aspect has two manifestations. One is that it can induce crops to produce cellulose. , that is, making its cell wall thicker, so that the pathogen will not easily enter the interior of the crop. The second manifestation is that some chemicals will be produced at the diseased site. These chemicals have a toxic effect on the pathogen and directly kill it. Death, so regular use of potassium phosphite will enhance its own defense capabilities.

The element of potassium phosphite is potassium hydroxide phosphorus, so it does not pollute humans, animals and the environment, and is green and environmentally friendly.

How to use potassium phosphite?

Because its systemic conductivity is very good, that is to say, if it is used at the roots, it can be transmitted to leaves, flower buds, fruits and other above-ground parts. Then it can also be transmitted to the roots through foliar spraying, so It can be applied either by root application or by foliar spraying. Due to the cost, it is not too much to use root application. We mainly apply it by foliar spraying.

For foliar spraying, whenever potassium dihydrogen phosphate is used, potassium phosphite can be used instead. To the effect of potassium dihydrogen phosphate, it also plays a role in disease prevention.

For example, when we need to use potassium dihydrogen phosphate during the heading and booting stage of grasses, the flowering stage of fruits and fruits, and the expansion stage of underground crops, we can use potassium phosphite instead. , In addition, before some climatic conditions that are prone to diseases are formed, such as the rainy season, the humidity will always cause the occurrence of some downy mildew and rot diseases, or in the case of drought and high temperature, it will cause viral diseases or powdery mildew. Before these conditions occur, we can use Xiperon potassium phosphite for prevention. Potassium phosphite is effective against fungi and bacteria.�, viruses all have certain prevention, treatment and preventive effects.

Especially for citrus canker, needle-sized, yellow, oil-stained spots begin to appear on the affected parts of the citrus canker, and then expand into nearly round yellow or brown lesions that penetrate both sides of the leaf and become raised. , corkized, rough surface, gray-brown, crater-like cracking. The edges of the lesions are oil-stained and surrounded by a yellow halo. In severe cases, the leaves will fall early.

The simple way to judge canker disease is: directly touch the back of the leaf with your hand. If the leaf has bulges, it can be judged as an ulcer. sick.

The basic conditions for the prevalence of citrus canker are the combination of high temperature and humidity with susceptible young tissues. In addition to conditions such as light, temperature, water, and wind, the activity and quantity of the pathogen are also important factors for the onset of the disease. The bacteria in the lesions are highly contagious and continue to proliferate rapidly. The “volcanoes” on the back of the leaves affect the quality of spray coverage. Therefore, it is difficult to extinguish the canker disease after it develops. The more serious the disease is, the more difficult it is to reverse it. Severely affected orchards may even take several years to correct. Therefore, for fruit trees with serious diseases, potassium phosphite can be used in combination with fungicides, which can not only enhance the efficacy, prevent and treat diseases, but also improve the disease resistance and stress resistance of fruit trees and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

Precautions for the use of potassium phosphite:

Since phosphorous acid cannot be converted into phosphoric acid in the plant body and cannot participate in metabolism, when excessive phosphorous acid accumulates in the cells, it may It will cause cell poisoning, yellow leaves, poor root growth, and short plants. Sometimes old leaves will accumulate more anthocyanins in the form of patches. In other words, improper use and excessive dosage may lead to accumulation of phosphorous acid, poisoning and leaf burning.

So although potassium phosphite is good, you should also pay attention to the following points:

1. Do not use it continuously to prevent accumulation and poisoning of leaves;

2. It cannot be used in high concentrations. Due to the heavy specific gravity of potassium phosphite, it should be calculated in terms of mass grams, not volume liters. It is generally recommended to use a concentration of 1000-1500 times dilution (especially for fruit trees under 4 years old, it cannot be less than 1000 times);

3. Try to use hydroxypropyl methacrylate alone;

4. Avoid high temperature and drought;

5. Choose regular products with high purity;



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