Types and characteristics of organic zinc

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Organic zincIncluding complex zinc, organic chelated zinc, protein zinc salt and polysaccharide zinc complex Wait a few. Zinc is mainly absorbed, transported, stored and utilized in the body in an organically bound state. Therefore, it is the organic matter or chelate of zinc that acts in the body, not the free inorganic zinc ions.

1. Organic zinc is closer to its form of action in the body. Organic zinc exists stably in the digestive tract and does not form complexes with other substances that hinder absorption. It can be more effectively transported from the intestinal villi to the cell epithelium and then converted into a form with biochemical functions.

2. The biological potency of organic zinc is higher than that of inorganic zinc. Tests have shown that the biological potency of Zn-Met ranges from 117% to 206% depending on the complexity of the diet. Adding 250mg/kg Zn-Met to piglet diet has a growth-promoting effect equivalent to 2000mg/kg ZnO. In sheep experiments, the biological potency of Zn-Met was higher than that of ZnSO4.

Studies on broiler chickens show that the biological potency of Zn-Met is 1.2 times higher than that of inorganic salts (Gao Xiuping, 1995). For piglets, adding low levels of Zn-Met can achieve the same production results as high levels of ZnO. K.J. Wedekind (1992) confirmed through experiments that the bioavailability of Zn-Met added to chicken feed is higher than that of ZnSO4-7H2O. If the bioavailability of ZnSO4-7H2O is 100%, then Zn-Met is 117%.

3. Meet the animal body’s need for zinc. The utilization rate of inorganic zinc is easily affected by factors such as pH value, feed protein level, vitamins, phosphates, and phytates. The absorption of amino acid chelated zinc relies on the absorption pathway of peptides or amino acids to avoid competition between different minerals and prevent reactions with other nutrients in the diet to reduce the absorption rate, thereby satisfying the animal body’s full absorption and utilization of zinc. .

4. Helps improve the bioavailability of zinc. Studies have shown that Zn-Met can improve the bioavailability of zinc and at the same time enhance immunity. It has excellent compatibility with various nutrients, has synergistic effects and can improve vitamin retention. Organic zinc can improve feed utilization, increase zinc retention in the body, reduce zinc excretion in feces, and reduce pollution.

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