What are the advantages of using organic bismuth compounds?

What are the advantages of using organic bismuth compounds?

1. Safe and environmentally friendly, can replace lead, mercury and tin which are being abolished by legislation;

2. Has better hydrolysis resistance and stability, Reduce the selectivity of the reaction with water, and reduce the side reactions between water and NCO groups in aqueous PU dispersions;

3. Promote the NCO/OH reaction, avoid NCO side reactions, and reduce Generation of CO2;

4. In a one-component system, liberate the amine shielded by water instead of promoting the reaction between NCO and water;

5. The combination of bismuth and zinc has a synergistic effect, making the formulation and production more flexible, reducing energy consumption, and increasing profits; 6. It can be used alone or in combination with amines or other organometallic compounds;

organic bismuth

What are the advantages of organic bismuth in the use of silicon pu?

1. Typical organic bismuth environmentally friendly catalysts: safe and environmentally friendly, and can replace organic lead, mercury, and tin in some applications; compared with T9, it has better hydrolysis stability;

2. Promote NCO/OH reaction. In oily or water-based polyurethane, it can reduce the side reaction between water and NCO group to a certain extent, reduce the generation of CO2, but reduce the reaction between isocyanate and water. The selectivity is not as good as CUCAT-HA/HAA/PD, etc.; it has good compatibility and can be used alone or in combination with other organometallic compounds.

3. The runway is tasteless. Most of the odor is caused by incomplete reaction, and whether the reaction is complete or not depends on the correct selection of the catalyst. SN-BI820 reacts more completely, so it has less or no odor. After curing, even the glue using TDI raw materials has no smell, is safe and environmentally friendly, and reduces or eliminates hazards to constructors and users.

4 The runway material has better performance. Compared with lead, the hardness, tensile strength, tear strength, elongation and other indicators are increased by 10%-25%. Therefore, the usage of TDI (MDI) and MOCA can be saved.

5. The runway is more environmentally friendly. The product does not contain cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium and other heavy metals. It can not only meet the on-site construction process requirements, but also eliminate Pb and Hg pollution during the production and use of polyurethane plastic track materials. The track can meet the most stringent US and EU standards. , can be exported completely.

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