What is the difference between organic pigments and inorganic pigments for color pastes?

Color paste What is the difference between organic pigments and inorganic pigments

Organic pigments used in color pastes are generally taken from plants and marine animals, such as moxibustion, garcinia and purple extracted from shellfish in ancient Rome. Organic pigments have bright colors, strong tinting power and low density. Organic pigments look looser, while inorganic pigments are heavier. Organic pigments generally have higher brightness and higher tinting strength than inorganic pigments. Organic pigments are colored organic compounds, which are also divided into two categories: natural and synthetic. Nowadays, synthetic organic pigments are commonly used. There are many varieties of organic pigments with relatively uniform colors and better performance than inorganic pigments. Organic pigments can be divided into several categories such as monoazo, disazo, lake, phthalocyanine or condensed ring pigments. . Organic pigments have diverse structures, full color spectrum, bright and pure colors, and strong tinting power. However, some products have poor light resistance, weather resistance, and solvent resistance. Some organic pigments also have good light resistance, weather resistance, and solvent resistance, but are expensive.

Inorganic pigments used for color paste are generally mineral substances. Human beings have known about using inorganic pigments for a long time, using colored soil and ores to paint on rock walls and smear their bodies. Inorganic pigments include cadmium series, cadmium series, iron oxide series, and newly emerged colored inorganic composite pigments. Inorganic pigments are oxides of non-ferrous metals, or some metal-insoluble metal salts. Inorganic pigments are divided into natural inorganic pigments and artificial inorganic pigments. Mineral pigments are natural inorganic pigments. Inorganic pigments are mainly carbon black and metal oxides or salts such as iron, titanium, barium, zinc, cadmium, and lead. Inorganic pigments are light-fast, heat-resistant, weather-resistant, solvent-resistant, and have strong hiding power. However, they have uneven chromatography, low tinting power, poor color brightness, and some metal salts and oxides are highly toxic. <br /

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