Memory foam bra why does it smell

Memory foam bra why there is a smell

Bra smell, I believe that many people have encountered the bra has a light or heavy smell problem. Generally speaking, the smell of newly bought bras will disappear after washing. On how to eliminate the smell of bras, the previous knowledge of lingerie has been shared in detail, you can go to understand. Today I want to share the memory foam bra why the smell of the problem.

First of all, to understand why memory foam bras have a taste, first of all, what is memory foam?

We all know that the filling in the bra to the most common ordinary sponge, and memory foam, also known as elastic cotton, has a strong ability to absorb external forces, the temperature is also very sensitive, and thus the formation of a “memory” characteristics. In fact, memory foam is also a sponge, only ordinary sponge only elastic, while memory foam added a lot of special substances, such as modified polyether polyol, porous agent, special silicone oil, etc., reflecting the better viscous elastic properties and slow rebound temperature characteristics.

And again, the memory foam bra why there is a taste of the reason

From the above understanding of what memory foam is, we know clearly that memory foam is just an upgraded version of ordinary sponge, generally speaking, poor quality, contaminated sponge will have odor, most of the sponge foam is not in place to cause odor aggravation, and those qualified sponge smell is relatively small, in addition, may also be the sponge is not dry cause of sponge smell.

Of course, do not exclude the bra in the entire production, packaging, warehousing and transport backlog process caused by odor

Supplementary: memory foam bra with sponge smell of harm

The light sponge smell can cause chronic respiratory disease, allergic dermatitis, menstrual disorders, pregnancy syndrome; sponge smell heavy can cause respiratory edema, eye irritation, headache and other symptoms.

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