Analysis of 200 test questions on related specialized knowledge

Analysis of 200 test questions on related specialized knowledge

1, in general, a drug can be prepared in a variety of dosage forms, the same pharmacological effect, but the different routes of administration may produce different therapeutic effects: ① different dosage forms to change the nature of the drug’s action; ② different dosage forms to change the speed of the drug’s action; ③ different dosage forms to change the drug’s adverse reactions; ④ some of the dosage forms can produce a targeted effect; ⑤ some of the dosage forms to affect the therapeutic effect.

2, pharmacy is the study of the basic theory of pharmaceutical preparations, prescription design, preparation process, quality control and rational application of the contents of the comprehensive technical disciplines.

3, different dosage forms to change the nature of the role of drugs Most drugs change the nature of the role of the dosage form remains unchanged, but some drugs can change the nature of the role of drugs, such as magnesium sulfate oral dosage form used as a laxative, but 5% injection intravenous drip, can inhibit the central nervous system of the brain, sedative, antispasmodic effect.

4, injections, aerosols, sublingual tablets, transdermal patches, etc. can avoid the hepatic first-pass effect, gastrointestinal pH and enzymes, etc. on the degradation of drugs and drugs on the gastrointestinal tract stimulation, improve bioavailability.

5、Over-the-the-counter medicines Without a prescription from a licensed physician or a licensed physician assistant, consumers can purchase and use medicines at their own discretion. Selected by experts, approved and announced by the State Food and Drug Administration. In the packaging of non-prescription drugs, must be printed with the state-specified proprietary logo of non-prescription drugs. Non-prescription drugs are also called “over the counter drugs” (overthe counter, referred to as OTC) in foreign countries. At present, OTC has become the abbreviation of non-prescription drugs used worldwide.

6, the factors affecting the dissolution rate can be analyzed according to the Noyes-Whitney equation.

7、In addition to solubilization and emulsification, surfactants are also commonly used as suspending agents, foaming agents and defoamers, decontaminants, disinfectants or bactericides.

8, Tween class HLB value between 10.5 ~ 16.7, for O / W type emulsifier.

A. Lanolin – natural emulsifier (W / O type)

B.Octadecanol–W/O type emulsifier

C.Calcium stearate – lubricant

D.Tween-80 – O/W emulsifier

E. Glyceryl monostearate – W/O coemulsifier

9. HLB = (5.16 + 6.68)/1 = 11.84

10, non-homogeneous liquid formulations: for the unstable multi-phase dispersion system, including the following: ① sol-gel agent is also known as hydrophobic colloidal solution; ② by the insoluble liquid drug dispersed in the dispersing medium to form an unevenly dispersed system is called an emulsion; ③ by the insoluble solid drug dispersed in the dispersing medium to form an unevenly dispersed system of particulate state is known as a suspension.

11, syrup easily contaminated by microorganisms, low concentration of syrup should be added to the preservative.

12, solution agent refers to the drug dissolved in the solvent to form a clear liquid preparation. According to the need to add co-solvents, antioxidants, flavoring agents, coloring agents and other additives.

13, where the required dose in a given volume of solvent can not be completely dissolved in the insoluble drugs, or taste discomfort, difficult to swallow the drug or two solutions mixed with reduced solubility of the drug, as well as in order to play a long-acting role or to improve the stability of the drug in aqueous solution, can be designed to make a suspension. However, for the sake of uniformity and safety, small doses of drugs and toxic drugs should not be made into a suspension.

15, the combination refers to water as a solvent containing one or more of the drug components of the internal liquid preparations.

16, for intravenous and spinal cavity injection of the injection should be equal or close to the plasma osmolality. Otherwise, hypotonic solution will cause red blood cell swelling, hemolysis; hypertonic solution will make red blood cell atrophy.

17, pH requirements equal to or close to blood (blood pH about 7.4), generally controlled in the range of 4 to 9

18, high temperature method; acid-base method; adsorption method; ion exchange method; gel filtration method; ultrafiltration method

Note: pyrogen is small in size, 1-5nm, general filter can be passed, even if the microporous filter membrane can not be retained.

19, sterile powder for injection, also known as powder, refers to the drug made for clinical use before the use of suitable sterile solution formulated into a clarified solution or a uniform suspension of sterile powder or sterile block, can be used for injection after the preparation of suitable solvents for injection, can also be used for intravenous infusion solution formulated for intravenous drip.

21, impact pulverizer: impact pulverizer on the material force to the impact of the main force, suitable for brittle, tough materials, as well as crushed, fine, ultra-fine crushing, etc., widely used, and therefore has a “universal pulverizer” said. Its typical crushing structure of hammer and impact column type.

22, implanted tablets: the sterile tablets implanted into the subcutaneous slow


23. Effervescent tablets: tablets containing an effervescent disintegrant. The so-called effervescent disintegrant is a mixture of sodium bicarbonate and organic acids such as citric acid, which reacts with water to produce a large amount of carbon dioxide gas, thus causing the tablet to disintegrate rapidly.

24, Implanted tablets do not pass through the gastrointestinal tract, so the first-pass effect can be avoided.

25, dispersible tablets refers to tablets that can be disintegrated rapidly and dispersed uniformly in water (3 minutes in water at 21℃±10℃ can be disintegrated and dispersed and pass through 180μm pore size screen). The drug in dispersible tablets should be insoluble. Dispersible tablets can be dispersed with water and then taken orally, or the dispersible tablets can be sucked in the mouth or swallowed. Dispersible tablets should be checked for solubility.

26, enteric coating materials: enteric polymers have acid resistance, while dissolved in the intestinal fluid, commonly used cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP), polyvinyl alcohol phthalate (PVAP), methacrylic acid copolymers, cellulose acetate phenyltriphosphate (CAT) hydroxypropyl cellulose phthalate (HPMCP), acrylic resins EuS100, EuL100 and so on.

27, the impact of the capsule wall composition: the capsule wall with plasticity and elasticity is the characteristics of soft capsule agent, but also the basis of soft capsule agent forming, it consists of gelatin, plasticizer, water, its weight ratio is usually, dry gelatin: dry plasticizer: water = 1: (0.4 ~ 0.6) :1.

28, paraffin and liquid paraffin: paraffin for the solid saturated hydrocarbon mixture, melting range of 50 ~ 65 ℃, liquid paraffin for liquid saturated hydrocarbons, the same kind of petroleum jelly, the most suitable for regulating the consistency of petroleum jelly substrate, but also can be used to regulate the other types of substrates of the oil phase.

29, Vaseline: melting range of 38 ~ 60 ℃, yellow, white two kinds, the latter bleaching and become chemically stable, non-irritating, especially for the water is not stable drugs. Vaseline can only absorb about 5% of the water, so it is not applicable to the affected area with a lot of exudate. The addition of lanolin, cholesterol, or certain higher alcohols to petroleum jelly can improve its water absorption.

30, C, the correct description should be: the same concentration of carbomer aqueous solution in PH6-11 have the greatest viscosity and consistency

31, to make the suppositories in the drug release fast matrix selection principle is to choose the opposite of the nature of the drug matrix.

32, aerosol refers to drug-containing solutions, emulsions or suspensions and suitable ejector jointly sealed in a pressure-resistant container with a special valve system, the use of the pressure of the ejector will be sprayed with the contents of the mist, for pulmonary inhalation or directly sprayed to the cavity mucosa, skin and space disinfection preparations.

33. Commonly used projectiles can be divided into three categories: HCFCs, hydrocarbons and compressed gases.

Compressed gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen and nitric oxide are the main ones used as ejection agents.

34, this type of aerosol is emulsion in the container, the ejectant is the inner phase, the liquid is the outer phase, the intermediate phase is the emulsifier.

35、Factors affecting leaching: leaching solvent; crushing particle size of herbs; leaching temperature; concentration gradient; leaching pressure; the relative speed of movement of herbs and solvents; the application of new technologies.

36, blocking agent: is a large class of hydrophobic strong fat or wax materials. Commonly used are animal fats, beeswax, Brazilian carnauba wax, hydrogenated vegetable oils, stearic acid (octadecanoic acid), stearyl alcohol (octadecanol), glycerol monostearate and so on. Commonly used enteric coating blocking materials include cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose phthalate (HPMCP), hydroxypropylmethylcellulose succinate (HPMCAS), and acrylic resins L-type and R-type (eudragit L, eudragit R).

37, due to the nasal mucosa in the arteries and veins and capillary lymphatic distribution is very rich, the nasal respiratory zone cell surface with a large number of tiny villi, nasal mucosa penetration is high and relatively few enzymes, the decomposition of protein drugs than the gastrointestinal mucosa is low, and thus conducive to the absorption of the drug and directly into the body’s blood circulation.

39, the inclusion complex has no targeting.

Characteristics of the inclusion: the drug as a guest molecule by the inclusion, solubility increases, stability increases, liquid drugs can be powdered, can prevent volatile components evaporation, masking the bad smell or taste of the drug, regulating the release rate, improve the bioavailability of the drug, reduce the irritation of the drug and toxic side effects, and so on.

40, the targeting of drug preparations can be measured by three parameters: relative uptake rate (re), targeting efficiency (te) and peak concentration ratio (Ce).

41, Protein drugs are commonly used stabilizers: (1) buffers (2) surfactants (3) sugars and polyols (4) salts (5) polyethylene glycols (6) macromolecular compounds (7) histidine, glycine

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