The efficacy and uses of DMSO on various symptoms_Industrial additives

The effectiveness and uses of DMSO on various symptomsThe effectiveness of DMSO on various symptoms

Effects and uses of DMSO on various symptoms 1, amyloidosis

Amyloid can be found in small amounts throughout the body. Amyloidosis is caused by the accumulation of amyloid fibers in an organ. Its symptoms vary depending on where and how much it accumulates. It can damage the functions of the liver, kidneys, spleen, and heart, and can also cause nerve compression and pain in the legs, feet, hands, and arms (similar to the symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome). Other possible symptoms include intestinal bleeding, Erratic heartbeat, skin boils and discoloration.

Alzheimer’s syndrome, or dementia, is related to amyloidosis in brain cells. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy is a cerebrovascular disease in the elderly. Its main clinical features are dementia, psychiatric symptoms, and repeated or multiple cerebral lobar hemorrhages.

Human experiments show that all patients treated with DMSO can excrete all starch-like substances in the urine within 24 hours. Whether patients take DMSO orally or intravenously, it can break down amyloid tumors.

Effects and uses of DMSO on various symptoms 2, arthritis

DMSO has been shown to be effective in treating inflammation and pain caused by hundreds of types of arthritis, most of which are effective. Although it is effective for both acute and chronic pain, the effect on acute pain is more obvious.

DMSO’s anti-inflammatory properties are why it’s effective in treating arthritis and relieving pain, among other important properties. It scavenges free radicals. Free radicals are harmful substances produced by factors inside the body or from outside the body. Certain enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), vitamins A, E, C, etc., are called scavengers of free radicals and can convert free radicals into harmless substances. What is related to arthritis is hydroxyl free radicals, and DMSO is a powerful scavenger of hydroxyl free radicals.

DMSO can prevent free radicals from damaging the lubricating fluid between joints, and sufficient joint lubricating fluid can relieve the pain and inflammation of acute arthritis. DMSO can also increase joint mobility and stabilize chronic arthritis, and can also reduce the number of autoimmune antibodies that cause tissue damage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

Research shows that the earlier rheumatoid arthritis is treated, the better the response. The longer the symptoms last, the less significant the effect of DMSO. Generally speaking, long-term treatment with DMSO combined with proper nutrition has better results.

DMSO is very effective in treating osteoarthritis, regardless of the patient’s age, disease stage and severity. Large joints such as the femur, knee, and shoulder may require longer treatment periods. In extremely severe cases, the effect of DMSO injection is more significant than external application.

Countless experiments on DMSO treating arthritis have been conducted in the United States and abroad. In the early 1960s, the Japanese Rheumatology Association, Syntex Laboratories in the United States, and a group of German doctors all conducted similar studies, and they unanimously found that DMSO was effective in treating arthritis inflammation and pain. Dr. Arthur from Sintax Laboratories also said that DMSO can increase joint mobility. The overall conclusion of Soviet Russian scientists after testing DMSO between 1972 and 1978 was: “There is sufficient evidence that DMSO can treat inflammatory and degenerative joint diseases. Patients can receive various combination therapies including DMSO, and Side effects are rare.”

Bursitis, diabetes, toothache, ear disease, eye disease, frozen shoulder, gout, headache, herpes simplex, interstitial cystitis, mental retardation, nasal flesh polyps), neuritis, pain, Parkinson’s disease, periodontal disease, plastic surgery, prostatitis, psoriasis, pruritus, Raynauld’s disease, rhinoscleroma , sinusitis, herpes zoster, muscle sprains, varicose veins.

The efficacy and uses of DMSO for various symptomsSpecial uses of DMSO

Effects and uses of DMSO on various symptoms 1, Frostbite

Animal experiments show that applying DMSO before tissue freezing can prevent tissue damage. After the human body was frozen for 24 hours, it was coated with DMSO and it showed complete recovery, with no decay or need for amputation.

A dramatic case of frostbite occurred in Illinois. A 59-year-old woman slipped and fell outside her home in the middle of the night and was discovered six hours later. The outdoor temperature is minus 26 degrees Celsius. The emergency room found that the patient had no sense of direction, could not answer, had irregular heartbeat, rectal temperature was lower than normal, hands and feet were purple, knees, left foot, right big toe had frozen, and the patient had lost all the above parts. Feel.

After twelve hours, traditional treatments were shown to be ineffective. The doctor applied 65% DMSO solution to the affected area. After only ten minutes, the blood circulation improved, and the patient regained consciousness the next day. Within a month, a total of more than one gallon of DMSO solution was used, and the patient returned to normal without any damage to his limbs.

A year later, the woman said that since the DMSO treatment after the fall, the skin on her hands was smoother and softer than it was twenty years ago, her hair was thicker and darker than before, and her nails were not as brittle as before.

Effects and uses of DMSO on various symptoms 2, radiation damage

Japanese research shows that DMSO can protect patients undergoing radiation therapyUnfortunately, we lost contact two years later due to moving.

Dr. Tucker has conducted extensive research at his own expense documenting the effectiveness of this solution on various cancers. …Analyzed the treatment results of 37 cases of malignant tumors. DMSO-sepia wood combined with current anti-cancer methods, 70.5% of patients will improve. These anti-cancer treatments include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Using general anti-cancer therapy alone, the effectiveness was 5.4%; using DMSO-hematoxylin solution alone, the effectiveness was 38.1%. …

The most surprising ones are two cases of giant cell lymphoma and two cases of malignant giant cell bone cancer. In the former case, the tumor completely disappeared, and in the latter case, the tumor completely disappeared and new bone grew.

The efficacy and use of DMSO on various symptoms 4 Cases of DMSO-hematoxylin solution treating cancer

In 1968, Dr. Tucker stopped publicly reporting on his research and cancer treatment reports, but he did not completely stop treating the few patients who came to him for treatment. For example, two patients with giant cell lymphoma were cured by him. One of them died of heart disease eight years later, and the other is still alive today (14 years later). The latter, Mrs. Wilson, was 38 years old at the time. In January 1972, she was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma. There were huge tumors in the lungs, ileal arteries, and lymph nodes around the aorta. The patient’s small intestinal cancer caused long-term nutritional malabsorption, resulting in long-term exhaustion, thinness, pale mucous membranes, and blackened dry skin flakes. There is ascites, swelling in the abdominal cavity, severe anemia, cancer cells metastasize to the bone marrow, and lymph nodes are damaged. Patients face death at any time.

Mrs. Wilson received the highest dose of chemotherapy for a month and combined chemotherapy and radiation for another month, but the tumor continued to spread. Chemotherapy had to be interrupted due to serious side effects. One was that the white blood cells dropped sharply to below the lower limit of 5,000, leaving almost no immunity.

From January 1973 to January 1974, Dr. Tucker began to give patients intravenous injections of DMSO-hematoxylin solution once every two days. Slowly, all signs of the tumor completely disappeared, and the patient is still alive today (14 years later) with no side effects.

On January 14, 1970, a 3-year-old boy named Clyde was brought to Dr. Tucker’s clinic by his mother. The child suffers from diabetes insipidus and is treated at Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas. What’s even more unfortunate is that he suffered from metastatic endothelioma (Letter-Siwe disease) and was treated by Anderson Cancer Center. Multiple cancers had spread to the scalp and body, and tumors inside the ears caused draining sinuses. An eye, ear, nose and throat doctor concluded that the disease was incurable and that it was impossible to live beyond the age of 6 or 7 years. Due to the child’s illness, the father ran away from home, leaving the mother and son in poverty. The child’s mother heard that Tucker had a unique treatment and came to seek treatment. Dr. Tucker agreed to treat him for free, but stated that this was only an experimental treatment and might not be effective.

Dr. Tucker gave a small bottle of DMSO-hematoxylin solution and asked the mother to take five drops of the solution and distilled water every morning for the child to swallow on an empty stomach. She was told to take the child to the first two hospitals to see a doctor and get medicine as usual, and to tell the doctor what medicine the child had swallowed.

The next day, the child’s mother came to Dr. Tucker’s clinic and complained bitterly: The doctor at the children’s hospital was furious and told her not to come here if she used Tucker’s medicine. …

Today, the patient is 17 years old and still taking Dr. Tucker’s anti-cancer drugs every day.

The efficacy and uses of DMSO for various symptoms 5 Jacob describes DMSO

Since Dr. Jacobs published the efficacy of DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) in 1962, he has been studying DMSO for more than thirty years (this book was published in 1993). While Dr. Jacobs was researching DMSO’s effects on inflammation, the then-dean of the medical school asked him for some to try on his arthritis in his wrists, and the results were promising.

Dr. Jacobs told the story of a case: a nine-year-old girl suffering from paralyzing arthritis. Severe neck arthritis prevented her from turning her chin to her shoulders, and her right hip was so painful that she could not walk. An hour after DMSO was applied to the skin, the little girl could slowly turn her chin to her shoulders, but when asked to walk, she refused because it was too painful. After she finally tried to leave, she actually cried. Dr. Jacob asked her why she was crying. She sobbed and said: Because it no longer hurts.

DMSO is also effective against Scleroderma. Dr. Jacobs, one of the national advisors to the International Scleroderma Foundation, said that although DMSO is underutilized, it is an alternative treatment for scleroderma and Raynaud’s syndrome (Raynaud’s phenomenon) and a good treatment for rheumatoid arthritis. Also works. At the Scleroderma Foundation’s annual meeting, he could not find a single scleroderma patient who had been treated effectively with an agent other than DMSO.

DMSO is also a powerful free radical scavenger – “Nickel Fluoborate” – especially for Alzheimer’s patients. Dr. Jacobs said DMSO could be an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s disease. He points out that effective dementia treatments should have three functions:

1. Easily cross the blood-brain barrier and enter brain cells

2. Powerful free radical scavenger

3. Dissolve amyloid, an abnormal mucin that is a typical accumulation in the brain cells of people with dementia.

Some preliminary studies show that DMSO has considerable efficacy. DMSO and other substances were injected intravenously into patients, and 70% of the subjects experienced a 25% improvement in short-term memory within three months. This result is remarkable because there is no natural improvement in Alzheimer’s disease and the disease always continues to worsen.

TAG: DMSO, DMSO symptoms, DMSO efficacy, DMSO uses,

The results are remarkable because there has never been a natural improvement in Alzheimer’s disease, and the disease has always continued to get worse.

TAG: DMSO, DMSO symptoms, DMSO efficacy, DMSO uses,

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