Application of profenofos series products in citrus crops_Industrial additives

Profenofos is a new type of highly efficient organophosphorus pesticide. It has a broad insecticidal spectrum and is both an insecticide and acaricide. High efficiency, low toxicity and low residue. Its chemical structure is a unique three-dimensional asymmetric structure. Analysis on crop pest resistance management shows that it is not easy to develop resistance to target pests. Mainly by inhibiting the secretion of insect acetylcholinesterase, causing nerve conduction interruption, thereby causing the death of pests. The modes of action are contact poison, stomach poison, and fumigation. Carbon black

Profenofos was first used to control the resistance of cotton bollworm and vegetable diamondback moth. Later, due to its unique leaf penetration function, it was expanded to be used for rice leaf rollers. When used at the right time, the effect was remarkable. Considering its miticidal function, profenofos has gradually become popular as an acaricide in citrus solvent and dye manufacturers in recent years, attracting widespread attention from manufacturers.

Citrus crops mainly include: grapefruit, tangerines, oranges, and tangerines. Of course, these fruit trees can be divided into many varieties. No matter how they are divided, these are the most common categories we have. Pomelos usually sold in fruit shops are divided into red pomelo and yellow pomelo; citrus are divided into tangerines, sugar oranges, ponkans, and mandarins; the main brands of oranges are navel oranges, Hongjiang oranges, lemons, etc.

These crops are both evergreen trees and are distributed in subtropical areas with high temperature and humidity. It is widely distributed in Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hunan, Hubei and other provinces in China. The main pests on citrus are mites, scales, and moths, which are what we usually call red spiders, scale insects, leaf miners, and leaf rollers. In fact, there are more pests on citrus.

1. Citrus red spider mite

Also known as the citrus panonychus mite, it belongs to the order Arachnida. Citrus spider mites are a common insect pest that causes great harm to citrus. There are 15-24 generations a year, with overlapping generations. The peak months are April-June and August-October. Currently, chemical control is the main method. According to the Ministry of Agriculture, The main registered drugs are: tetraphenicols, pyridoxins, abamectins, spirodifenacets, triazole tins, pyridaben, etc. However, these varieties, whether used alone or in combination, All have more or less defects. Some can only kill eggs, some can kill adults, and some have developed resistance. Therefore, the introduction of profenofos in the control of citrus spider mites is particularly important.

General usage is as follows:

1. Clear the garden in winter: For gardens without overwintering fruits, use mineral oil plus acetylenic acid to kill overwintering adult mites and reduce the number of adult mites.

2. Clear the garden in early spring. During the germination period, use 50% profenofos EC plus etoxazole to continue killing adult and nymphal mites. If you can do this twice and spray thoroughly, you don’t have to worry about mites after the flowers fade. When clearing the garden in early spring, you can also use tetracarboxylate. Unlike other acaricides, this drug is not affected by temperature

3. Pay more attention to observation at ordinary times. Once spider mites are found, deal with them as soon as possible. On average, when there are about three on a leaf, you should start using 50% profenofos emulsifiable concentrate

4. When applying profenofos solution, the entire tree must be penetrated. If the application is small and the coverage is not enough, the effect will be affected. When spraying fruit trees, the biggest problem is that the whole plant cannot be sprayed, so a new spraying machine must be used.

5. Spray the pesticide as many times as possible. If you spray the pesticide once in a garden where spider mites are infested, it will be difficult to penetrate and kill them completely. The ovicide has little effect on the eggs at the peak of hatching. Especially in the resistant garden, additional sprays are needed. once.

Now in the citrus area, profos + spirodifenate, profos + pyridafen, profos + etoxazole, spirotetramat + profenofate, these formulas are basically the mainstream.

Coupled with our tetrapteran, we can get rid of spider mites at different times.

2. Scale insects

There are many types of scale insects, which are homoptera insects and are collectively called scale insects. This insect damages the branches, leaves and fruits of citrus. Adults and nymphs suck the sap from tissues, and the damaged tissues cannot fully develop, weakening the tree, causing leaf and fruit drop, affecting fruit quality, and can induce sooty disease. Along with spider mites, it has become a major pest in citrus production.

Prevention and treatment methods:

In the past, the highly toxic chlorpyrifos emulsifiable concentrate was generally used. After this drug was banned, the gap in scale insect control was mainly filled by two drugs. [Chlorpyrifos + profenofos] is a good choice.

Therefore, citrus orchards now often use profenofos products during garden cleaning

3. Citrus underground pests

According to reports and related orchardsFeedback, profenofos has excellent control effect on underground pests such as grubs, mole crickets, cutworms, wireworms, termites and other underground pests.


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