Silicone Market Analysis in February 2020 – Products – Cosmetic Silicone Oil Manufacturers

Since last week, companies from all over the country have begun to resume work and production. The domestic silicone market transactions have gradually improved. Midstream and downstream factories and traders and dealers have resumed production one after another. The traditional downstream has gradually recovered, among which the downstream in Guangdong has recovered faster. The effect of profit-sharing and resumption of work has been shown. Through the improvement of logistics, the inquiry atmosphere has heated up, and market transactions have gradually become more active. The phenomenon of DMC closing orders without reporting has been improved. The number of companies offering offers has increased, and the transaction volume has increased, but the transaction volume has not yet reached a breakthrough. Enterprises are mainly receiving orders in the early stage. The quotations of various manufacturers are mainly stable, and most of them continue to pre-Spring Festival prices. Some manufacturers with large inventories have stopped their installations to relieve inventory pressure, and load shedding continues. Some actual orders have been completed at present. , the mainstream quotation of silicone DMC is around 19,000 yuan/ton, and the transaction price is between 18,500-19,000 yuan/ton.

Akai Silicone (Jiangxi Base) has an annual production capacity of 40%, and the device is operating normally; Shandong region: the Luxi device is operating smoothly; the Jinling device is shut down for maintenance; Dongyue has an annual production capacity of 25 years, with about 70% of the construction started; Zhejiang region: Zhongtian Dongfang Fluorosilicone is shutting down; Xin’an plant is 70% operational; Hesheng Silicon’s plant is operating normally, but Sichuan and Xinjiang plants are not fully operational; Hubei Xingfa has an annual production capacity of 320,000 tons, operating at 60%, and the supplementary capacity has not yet been released; Tangshan Sanyou starts and stops. ; Due to logistics and transportation, the inventory of some monomers is relatively high, and the device continues to be shut down.

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