Silicone: From basic industry to high-tech materials 2-Cosmetic silicone oil manufacturer

After 1978, reform and opening up promoted the vigorous development of the national economy. In the organic silicone industry, Sino-foreign joint ventures and wholly foreign-owned enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. The large-scale introduction of new technologies, new equipment, and new products and the rapid growth of export products have provided a broad stage for the expansion of the application of organic silicone. Especially in the 1980s, the world’s manufacturing industry shifted massively to China, which greatly stimulated the application of silicone products and promoted the development of China’s silicone industry.

This period was a stage of steady development for my country’s silicone industry driven by market demand and application technology progress. Although it took a long time and the road was full of hardships and twists and turns, it did achieve fruitful results. Methyl monomer has broken through the 10,000-ton production technology bottleneck, silicone building sealants and structural adhesives have been widely promoted and applied, thermal vulcanized silicone rubber raw rubber production technology has made significant progress, the silicone rubber products processing industry has developed rapidly, and products such as button glue have China became a major global supplier. In terms of research and development capabilities, production technology and application fields, China has also quickly shortened the gap with foreign advanced levels, laying a good foundation for future rapid development.

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