Silicone: From basic industry to high-tech materials 3-Cosmetic silicone oil manufacturer

During the same period, as the application fields of silicone expanded, manufacturers emerged in large numbers, especially in the Zhusanzhou and Changsanzhou areas, where a large number of large-scale silicone factories were established. In 1999, the national output of silicone oil exceeded 10,000 tons, the output of hot vulcanized silicone rubber and room temperature silicone rubber exceeded 30,000 tons respectively, and the output of silicone resin and silane coupling agent reached 1,000 tons. There are more than 600 brands of various silicone products, and the apparent consumption of siloxane has reached 55,000 tons. Product applications have expanded to construction, textiles, automobiles, electronic appliances, chemical and light industry, medical and health and other fields, and a relatively complete system has been initially established. China’s silicone industry system.

Marked by the normal operation of the 10,000-ton methyl monomer production unit of Blue Star Chemical Plant in 1998, China’s silicone industry has entered a stage of rapid development. During this period, due to factors such as the growth in demand for siloxane in my country, the prominent contradiction between supply and demand, the technological progress of silicone monomers, and the skyrocketing price of siloxane in 2004, China set off a boom in investment and construction of silicone monomer projects. Not only the existing monomer factories have put forward production expansion plans, but also some silicone downstream product manufacturers and companies in related industries have joined the ranks of organic silicon monomer construction.

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