Silicone: From basic industry to high-tech materials 1-Cosmetic silicone oil manufacturer

After more than 60 years of development and the efforts of several generations, my country’s silicone industry has developed from basic raw materials, silicone monomers, intermediates to the production of various end products, from silicone teaching, scientific research, engineering development and design It has a complete industrial system with processing aids, special equipment, analysis and testing, automatic control and other related industries. In 2017, the country’s siloxane production capacity accounted for approximately 55% of the world’s total production capacity, output and consumption accounted for approximately 45%, and sales exceeded 60 billion yuan.

In 1951, researchers from the Beijing Chemical Laboratory of the Ministry of Heavy Industry, led by Yang Donglin, used the Grignard method to synthesize silicone monomers and trial-produce silicone resin, pioneering my country’s silicone industry and application research. Until the late 1970s, my country’s silicone industry was in its infancy, going through a long process from scratch.

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