Polyurethane rigid foam catalyst use

Polyurethane catalyst products are as follows:

Polyurethane Catalyst

DY-1: Standard foam Polyurethane catalyst, 70% BDMAEE dissolved in glycol
DY-1P: Bis(dimethylaminoethyl) ether, high-efficiency foaming catalyst
DY-5: Standard foaming polyurethane catalyst for rigid foam
DY-9: Stannous octoate, used in polyurethane foam, CASE and other fields
DY-12: Dibutyltin dilaurate, used In polyurethane foam, CASE and other fields
DY-15: Standard potassium isooctanoate catalyst, used in the production of spray rigid foam, PIR foam and other products
DY-33: 33% triethylenediamine solution , widely used in the preparation of polyurethane foam and also in the production of polyurethane adhesives
DY-41: Polyurethane trimerization catalyst, used in many fields of polyurethane rigid foam
DY-46: Potassium acetate solution, for The reaction of isocyanate trimerization to form polyisocyanurate has strong catalytic efficiency
DY-50: quaternary ammonium salt, which provides outstanding foam aging performance and is suitable for many fields that require improved production efficiency
DY- 54: Polyurethane trimerization catalyst/epoxy accelerator
DY-83: Gel co-catalyst for molding and hard foam, promotes skin curing
DY-BDMA: Benzyldimethylamine, polyurethane block Soft foam, hard foam, adhesive and coating catalyst
DY-DMEA: dimethylethanolamine, weak balance catalyst, providing earlier milky time
DY-DBU: strong gel polyurethane catalyst
DY-TMEDA: Tetramethylethylenediamine, a milder foaming/gelling catalyst
DY-TMEDA: Tetramethylpropylenediamine, used for various foaming/gelling equilibrium catalysts
DY-TMHDA: foaming/gel balanced polyurethane catalyst, improves surface curing and adhesion
The polyether component of the polyurethane rigid foam catalyst is purified by distillation to remove moisture; the polyether component is added to remove water There are many types of agents; for polyether components, choose a good catalyst, such as lead. The catalytic effect is to catalyze the reaction of hydroxyl groups faster than that of catalytic water; if it is a paint, pay attention to the substrate treatment and environmental humidity; if it is pouring, it must be controlled Good temperature; if it is foaming, you must choose a suitable and reasonable amount of foaming agent.

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