Product characteristics of organic bismuth polyurethane environmentally friendly catalyst

Organic bismuthPolyurethane environmentally friendly catalystThe product is specially developed for polyurethane track materials and is an excellent way to eliminate “toxic plastic track” Choose, the product does not contain heavy metals restricted by Europe and the United States, and the product has the following characteristics:

Organobismuth, polyurethane catalyst

1. The track material has better performance. Compared with lead, the same hardness can be increased by 2-6A, and tensile strength, tear strength, elongation and other indicators can be increased by 10%-25%. Therefore, the usage of TDI (MDI) and MOCA can be saved.

2. Improve the aging resistance of the runway. Compared with lead, the track color has better durability and the aging resistance is improved by 15%-30%.

3. The runway is tasteless. Most of the odor is caused by incomplete reaction, and whether the reaction is complete or not depends on the correct choice of catalyst. Valikat Bi2010 reacts more completely, so it has less or no odor. After curing, even the glue using TDI raw materials has no smell, is safe and environmentally friendly, and reduces or eliminates hazards to constructors and users.

4. The runway is easy to operate. Add it directly without affecting the construction and process.

5. The runway is cost-effective. The addition amount is 0.4-0.8%, and the price is cheaper than mercury and rare earth catalysts.

6. The runway is more environmentally friendly. The product does not contain cadmium, lead, mercury, chromium and other heavy metals. It can not only meet the on-site construction process requirements, but also eliminate Pb and Hg pollution during the production and use of polyurethane plastic track materials. The track can meet the most stringent US and EU standards. , can be exported completely.


1. Compared with bismuth and zinc catalysts, the reaction rate is slow;

2. Very effective cross-linking catalyst, resulting in a final product with a non-sticky surface.

Use bismuth-zinc composite catalyst to replace lead and mercury, add zinc to strengthen and solidify, in order to adjust the gel properties or replace the mercury catalyst for some customers To meet the requirements, we developed a bimetallic bismuth-zinc composite catalyst. In this kind ofpolyurethane catalyst, bismuth provides the gel speed required for curing and generates polyurethane with high selectivity and speed. Zinc, as a slower gel and better cross-linking catalyst, can reduce the acidity of the system and accelerate the reaction to promote cross-linking.

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