Main properties of polyurethane catalyst elastomer

Polyurethane CatalystElastomers have been widely used in military industry, aerospace, acoustics, biology and other fields. The following is an introduction to its main properties:

Polyurethane Catalyst

1. Hardness

The hardness range of ordinary rubber is Shao A20 to Shao A90, the hardness range of plastic is about Shao A95 to Shao D100, and the hardness range of polyurethane elastomer is low to Shore A10, up to Shore D80, and does not require the help of fillers. What is particularly valuable is that elastomers still have good rubber elasticity and elongation under plastic hardness, while ordinary rubber can only obtain higher hardness by adding a large amount of fillers at the expense of significantly reducing elasticity and elongation.

2. Mechanical strength

Polyurethane elastomer has high mechanical strength, which is reflected in Young’s modulus, tear strength and load-bearing capacity.

3. Wear resistance

Polyurethane catalystThe wear resistance of elastomer is very outstanding. The test results are generally in the range of 0.03~0.20mm3/m, which is about 3~ of natural rubber. 5 times. In actual use, due to the influence of factors such as lubricants, the effect is often better. Abrasion resistance is closely related to the tear strength and surface condition of the material. The tear strength of polyurethane elastomer is much higher than that of other rubbers, but its friction coefficient is not low, generally above 0.5. This requires adding oil lubricants, or adding a small amount of molybdenum disulfide or Graphite, silicone oil, tetrafluoroethylene powder, etc. to reduce the friction coefficient and reduce frictional heat generation.

4. Oil and chemical resistance

Polyester polyurethane elastomer , is a highly polar polymer material. It has little affinity with non-polar mineral oil and is almost not corroded by fuel oil and mechanical oil. It is much better than general-purpose rubber and comparable to nitrile rubber. However, it swells greatly in alcohols, esters, ketones and aromatic hydrocarbons, and is gradually destroyed at high temperatures. It swells significantly in halogenated hydrocarbons and sometimes degrades. When polyurethane elastomer is immersed in an inorganic solution, without the action ofpolyurethane catalyst, it is similar to immersing in water. . It degrades faster in weak acid and weak alkali solutions than in water. Strong acid and strong alkali have a greater corrosion effect on polyurethane.

Polyurethane catalystElastomer The operating temperature in oil is below 110°C, which is higher than the operating temperature in air. However, in many engineering applications, oil is always contaminated with water. Tests have shown that as long as the oil contains 0.02% water, almost all of the water can be transferred to the elastomer. At this time, the use effect will be significantly different.

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